1.   Answer the bell.

2.   Any team that gets to the final against the Longhorns, should they make it there, will have a difficult time answering the bell for the second half.

3.   A listless Curry surrendered his championship belts when he failed to answer the bell for the seventh round.

4.   A nurse answers the bell, leading me through a hallway to a flight of stairs.

5.   But as the election neared, Thacker found himself answering the bell.

6.   But I feel very, very confident they will answer the bell and do the job.

7.   He said he felt that urgency from the coach and answered the bell.

8.   He should answer the bell plenty this summer.

9.   In baseball, you still have to answer the bell for every round.

10.   Mavericks coach Don Nelson marvels at how Green answers the bell time after time.

v. + bell >>共 120
ring 43.78%
hear 8.65%
answer 4.86%
set 2.34%
clang 1.98%
have 1.44%
sound 1.44%
toll 1.26%
use 1.08%
strike 1.08%
answer + n. >>共 327
question 61.13%
phone 7.03%
call 4.54%
telephone 2.88%
door 2.51%
charge 2.16%
prayer 1.37%
critic 1.05%
no 0.76%
letter 0.75%
bell 0.34%
每页显示:    共 27