1.   Israel says the charter must be annulled with a vote by the PNC, not by affirmation.

2.   Palestinian legislators have urged Arafat to win concessions from Israel in return for annulling the charter.

3.   That includes, of course, annulling the charter by vote.

4.   Still, Israel says the charter must be annulled with a vote by the PNC, not by affirmation.

5.   Under the Israel-PLO agreement, the charter must be annulled within two months after the first meeting of the Palestinian Council.

v. + charter >>共 153
change 13.40%
amend 8.94%
sign 5.53%
revoke 5.11%
fly 2.34%
approve 1.91%
adopt 1.70%
revise 1.70%
board 1.49%
have 1.49%
annul 1.06%
annul + n. >>共 92
result 19.87%
election 15.63%
marriage 10.94%
vote 6.47%
poll 5.36%
victory 4.46%
verdict 2.01%
law 2.01%
sentence 1.79%
contract 1.56%
charter 1.12%
每页显示:    共 5