1.   The announcement followed an ultimatum issued by France, the UK and the USA threatening the use of force.

2.   The announcement followed a number of indications of improving relations between the two countries.

3.   All the official announcements would follow by the middle of the next month, April in this case, but the only real news remaining would be good.

4.   But no announcement followed.

5.   His announcement followed a hearing that focused largely on whether cable companies should have to play by the same rules as telephone companies and open their network to competitors.

6.   His announcement follows a number of other executive departures at IBM.

7.   His announcement followed a meeting Thursday night with GOP leaders, including House Majority Whip Tom DeLay of Texas.

8.   His announcement followed days of warnings from senior Bush administration officials, including the vice president, that further terrorist attacks were virtually certain.

9.   Such courts already are set up in the province of Sindh, and the announcement defiantly follows a supreme court stay on all executions imposed by military judges.

10.   That announcement followed Senate hearings into campaign fund-raising, which ended without any action.

n. + follow >>共 1522
move 2.43%
decision 1.62%
announcement 1.42%
company 1.20%
attack 1.19%
arrest 1.18%
meeting 0.99%
action 0.92%
stock 0.84%
police 0.81%
announcement + v. >>共 383
come 30.69%
be 17.71%
say 6.17%
follow 5.40%
end 1.39%
mark 1.34%
give 1.13%
send 1.06%
prompt 1.04%
have 1.02%
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