1.   But the animals would lose their appetite and lose weight, and so would be worth less.

2.   The animals lose their appetites and become lame.

3.   Affected animals lose weight, lose coordination and eventually die.

4.   But dairy cows begin producing less milk, and infected animals lose weight, making them less valuable on the market and less useful as commodities.

5.   But dairy cows begin producing less milk, and infected animals lose weight, making them less valuable on the market.

6.   Dr. Richard Atkinson, an obesity researcher at the University of Wisconsin in Madison, said that it was astonishing that the animals lost so much fat.

7.   Fish and game officials approved a lottery for the licenses last fall because, they said, the animals had lost their teeth and were starving.

8.   Forecasts for winter weather and lower temperatures could deter farmers from bringing hogs to market as animals typically lose weight during colder weather.

9.   If such an injury divides the tract completely, the animal loses the ability to learn new skills involving the feet on one side of the body.

10.   It decimates herds, killing the young and causes older animals to lose weight, produce less milk or abort spontaneously.

n. + lose >>共 964
team 5.48%
company 3.89%
people 2.88%
government 1.89%
party 1.76%
driver 1.59%
investor 1.55%
family 1.11%
dollar 1.08%
stock 1.06%
animal 0.16%
animal + v. >>共 580
be 23.07%
have 7.31%
die 2.56%
get 1.63%
live 1.49%
become 1.39%
suffer 1.35%
come 1.18%
do 1.14%
eat 1.14%
lose 0.66%
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