1.   Bipartisan bills in Congress have been filed to waive the contentious drug certification process that has angered Mexican officials in the past.

2.   Boutros-Ghali replied with a declaration of his candidacy, angering administration officials.

3.   But Dole declined the invitation, angering White House officials.

4.   But in angering club officials, Boras always acts in the interests of his clients, maybe not always their best interests, but their interests nonetheless.

5.   But in doing so, the court records show, DiFrancesco angered Scotch Plains officials, alienated friends and opened himself to questions about his ethics as a lawyer.

6.   But officials were clearly angered by the meeting with Rosenbaum because of the prominence it gave his insurgent effort.

7.   But the very fact that he was discussing the removal or segregation of art works angered museum officials.

8.   Carey angered many officials by abolishing the four corruption-filled regional bureaucracies, known as conferences.

9.   Gingrich did not apologize for contentious comments that have angered White House officials.

10.   He declined, which angered MTV officials.

v. + official >>共 600
say 41.37%
quote 4.56%
meet 3.03%
accuse 2.16%
include 1.36%
tell 1.16%
cite 1.06%
contact 0.78%
arrest 0.73%
criticize 0.72%
anger 0.55%
anger + n. >>共 339
official 6.50%
leader 4.58%
people 3.03%
group 2.88%
resident 2.66%
member 2.66%
government 2.58%
hard-liner 1.99%
conservative 1.85%
authority 1.77%
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