1.   They are called the anchor biomorphs.

2.   On this particular plane, the distances are all calculated with reference to the three anchor biomorphs.

3.   It is done by the distances on the page, more precisely the nearnesses, from the point in question to the three anchor biomorphs.

4.   But this account gives altogether too much prominence to the three anchor biomorphs.

n. + biomorphs >>共 2
anchor 80.00%
predator 20.00%
anchor + n. >>共 90
leg 12.09%
tenant 11.72%
desk 5.49%
role 4.76%
point 4.03%
chair 3.66%
team 3.30%
company 2.93%
plate 2.93%
currency 2.56%
biomorphs 1.47%
每页显示:    共 4