1.   Homelessness is a major problem in society today.?

2.   The mood in the Republican Party is one of optimism.?

3.   Many analysts predict that clearance of the Lloyds bid would hand victory to Lloyds over the nil-premium merger with BoS.

4.   U.S. corporate profits were higher than analysts predicted.

5.   Market analysts predicted a price plunge.

6.   Most analysts predict that the country will revalue before the end of the year.

7.   City analysts predict a price war in the telecommunications market.

8.   Although analysts had predicted that Gore would easily beat Bradley in New York, opinion polls had forecast a tight race between the two major Republican candidates.

9.   Although health care analysts have long predicted that the agency would have to lay off union members, it has avoided that strategy.

n. + predict >>共 650
analyst 19.92%
expert 7.23%
official 6.54%
economist 5.40%
forecaster 4.35%
observer 2.34%
poll 1.61%
leader 1.46%
report 1.41%
executive 1.22%
analyst + v. >>共 240
say 55.41%
expect 7.01%
be 3.22%
believe 3.15%
predict 2.90%
agree 1.47%
warn 1.33%
see 1.32%
suggest 1.16%
think 1.15%
每页显示:    共 1057