1.   Analysts point out that in the North, there is little sympathy for the victims outside their immediate families.

2.   Analysts point out that Chavez remains incredibly popular six months after taking office.

3.   Analysts point out that Lotus has a chance to make Notes an industry standard but it needs to sell far more copies of the product to achieve such status.

4.   Analysts point out that internecine conflicts over ideology and strategy kept the Colombian rebels from forging a single, potent insurgency that might have threatened the Bogota government.

5.   Analysts point out that Kaufmann Fund is one of the riskiest around, so if the U.S. market tumbles, the fund may be more vulnerable than others.

6.   Analysts point out that there is little outside pressure on the ANC because it has no viable opposition.

7.   Analysts point out that while the number of subscribers is expanding, membership growth rates are slowing.

8.   Analysts point out that, with four months remaining until the election, much about the character of the race can and probably will change.

9.   Analysts point to healthy sales increases for power distributor Manila Electric Co. and food and beverage manufacturer San Miguel Corp. as signs that manufacturing is strong.

10.   Analysts point out that, with the exception of Brazil --which is expected to suffer slow growth this year -- economic fundamentals in Latin America remain strong.

n. + point >>共 1088
transit 6.54%
collection 4.22%
entry 3.88%
bonus 3.48%
reference 2.39%
check 1.97%
border 1.95%
weapon 1.76%
season 1.74%
transshipment 1.62%
analyst 0.97%
analyst + n. >>共 175
say 18.29%
expectation 16.61%
estimate 10.14%
point 5.75%
forecast 4.28%
report 3.03%
fear 2.72%
investor 1.99%
doubt 1.57%
downgrade 1.46%
每页显示:    共 55