1.   Analysts also blamed diminished turnout on the relatively healthy economy.

2.   Already, some analysts are blaming Kohl and Clinton for not having done more to bail out Russia when its reformist economic team was still in power.

3.   Analysts blame a high cost structure for an earnings decline expected at USAir.

4.   Analysts blame problems ranging from accounting to the economy.

5.   Analysts blame the decline mostly on growing doubts about the pace of profit recovery this year.

6.   Analysts blame the lag on lingering consumer doubts and tougher competition from major airlines.

7.   Analysts blamed a variety of factors.

8.   Analysts blamed heightened Wall Street fears about a price war between AMD and Intel.

9.   Analysts blamed Rhode Island policymakers for relying too heavily on the tourism industry to replace manufacturing, rather than working to attract hi-tech firms, as Massachusetts did.

10.   Analysts blamed the disappointing sales on too many stores chasing too few customers, and consumers spending more on travel and services and less on merchandise.

n. + blame >>共 711
official 12.10%
government 7.27%
police 7.22%
company 6.04%
authority 5.48%
side 3.72%
group 2.21%
analyst 1.96%
leader 1.89%
report 1.86%
analyst + v. >>共 240
say 55.41%
expect 7.01%
be 3.22%
believe 3.15%
predict 2.90%
agree 1.47%
warn 1.33%
see 1.32%
suggest 1.16%
think 1.15%
blame 0.32%
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