1.   And, perhaps more significantly, in human anal intercourse, transmission is usually made much easier by tears in the skin around the anus.

2.   He and other staff workers at the center conducted the survey among men who said they had engaged in unprotected anal intercourse within the last year.

3.   He is acquainted with more than a few men who practice barebacking, as anal intercourse without a condom is called.

4.   He said that most men do not engage in unprotected anal intercourse, are reducing the risk if they do, and have fewer sex partners.

5.   Homosexual men who had receptive anal intercourse were at particularly high risk.

6.   Lawyers and human rights groups said the accused underwent humiliating medical examinations in prison to determine whether they had recently engaged in anal intercourse.

7.   No questions were asked about oral sex because the risk, though real, is much less than from anal intercourse, Mayne said.

8.   The Health Project conducted the survey among men who said they had unprotected anal intercourse within the last year.

9.   The highest risk is from receptive anal intercourse with a partner who has high blood levels of the AIDS virus.

10.   The study counters, in part, recent studies and news reports suggesting that more young gay men were having unprotected anal intercourse.

a. + intercourse >>共 38
anal 19.80%
unprotected 10.89%
heterosexual 8.91%
social 7.92%
homosexual 4.95%
vaginal 4.95%
painful 3.96%
unlawful 3.96%
first 2.97%
male 1.98%
anal + n. >>共 39
sphincter 22.89%
sex 19.88%
intercourse 12.05%
pressure 6.02%
function 4.82%
canal 3.61%
relaxation 3.01%
penetration 2.41%
skin 2.41%
contraction 1.81%
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