1.   Iii most cases of acute pancreatitis, the lipase activity Stays elevated longer than amylase activity.

2.   Unfortunately plasma amylase activities were not assessed before or after surgery.

3.   Furthermore, the basic diagnostic test for pancreatitis has been a measurement of serum or uring amylase activity throughout the study period.

4.   Inclusion criteria were the classical clinical findings of acute pancreatitis and more than a twofold increase in urinary amylase activity.

n. + activity >>共 1140
business 8.24%
market 2.82%
settlement 2.56%
construction 2.28%
rebel 2.07%
shower 2.04%
brain 1.83%
merger 1.78%
gang 1.76%
leisure 1.60%
amylase 0.07%
amylase + n. >>共 10
secretion 30.00%
activity 20.00%
determination 10.00%
rate 10.00%
concentration 5.00%
content 5.00%
measurement 5.00%
release 5.00%
synthesis 5.00%
time 5.00%
每页显示:    共 4