1.   Tell me the difference between a volt meter and an amp meter?

2.   Amp meter across the battery.

3.   If you put an amp meter across a battery?

4.   I mean, you can use a volt meter as an amp meter if you put a shunt across it.

5.   Three days later in Jackson, Mississippi, William Sharp was spraying a speedometer cable in his truck when the can touched an amp meter.

n. + meter >>共 104
gas 9.09%
water 8.66%
electricity 6.93%
fuel 3.90%
ramp 3.46%
taxi 3.46%
radiation 2.60%
amp 2.16%
laugh 1.73%
power 1.73%
amp + n. >>共 4
meter 45.45%
rating 27.27%
amp 18.18%
socket 9.09%
每页显示:    共 5