1.   An annual payment is made, the amount depending upon the animal concerned.

2.   If the amount of acceleration depends on how hard you push and how heavy the barrow is.

3.   The amount you receive depends on your income and the level of rent and rates you pay.

4.   The exact amount depends on the quality of resolution with which the images are rendered.

5.   The exact amount we use depends on our age, sex, height, weight and the amount of activity we do.

6.   Also, the amount of power depends on your distance from the tower or base station.

7.   Amount needed depends on saltiness of the broth.

8.   Attorney General Janet Reno announced the reward offer in Washington, D.C., saying the amount would depend on the value of the assistance given to investigators.

9.   Both are in line for pensions from the state agency, though the amounts depends on their length of stay.

n. + depend >>共 1166
success 4.03%
lot 3.09%
answer 2.75%
life 2.00%
survival 1.59%
future 1.57%
decision 1.33%
company 1.21%
economy 1.18%
country 1.16%
amount 1.08%
amount + v. >>共 295
be 46.45%
depend 2.33%
go 2.33%
vary 2.07%
have 1.71%
exceed 1.55%
remain 1.50%
include 1.40%
involve 1.35%
seem 1.24%
每页显示:    共 45