1.   Coelomic fluid was always bright yellow, while amniotic fluid was clear.

2.   However, cells failed to culture in half the amniotic fluid and in all coelomic fluid samples.

3.   The two tower alone in a dingy apartment but perhaps they are really inside a womb which has run short of amniotic fluids.

4.   An amniocentesis is a procedure by which doctors draw amniotic fluid during pregnancy to determine a genetic disorder in a fetus.

5.   An ultrasound exam had shown that nearly all the amniotic fluid had leaked out of her womb.

6.   Another is to inject a drug into the amniotic fluid.

7.   As my doctor maneuvered the syringe in my womb to get a sample of amniotic fluid, the baby suddenly grasped in the direction of the intruding object.

8.   A medical examiner ruled that she died from an embolism of amniotic fluid.

9.   A. Fetal urine is the main component of the amniotic fluid that bathes the developing fetus.

10.   After an ultrasound determines the position of the baby, a needle is inserted into the abdomen to remove a sample of amniotic fluid.

a. + fluid >>共 240
bodily 16.19%
intravenous 13.09%
lighter 6.66%
hydraulic 4.59%
amniotic 4.36%
spinal 4.13%
excess 2.87%
cleaning 2.30%
embalming 1.15%
hot 1.03%
amniotic + n. >>共 7
fluid 80.85%
sac 8.51%
band 2.13%
limbo 2.13%
membrane 2.13%
quiet 2.13%
tide 2.13%
每页显示:    共 38