1.   The balanced budget amendment forces Washington to live up to its responsibilities and address budget issues honestly.

2.   The amendment will force senators to show where they stand on the issue of sexual harassment.

3.   But the amendment would force spending cuts because of declining tax receipts, digging us deeper into the recession.

4.   Clinton has argued that the amendment might force the government to cut off Social Security benefit checks if the budget was not in balance.

5.   His amendment would force countries receiving debt relief to sign extradition treaties with the United States.

6.   Ms. Read said the amendment would force many large nonprofit groups to slash staff and services.

7.   Opponents said the amendment would unduly force childless Americans to subsidize parents.

8.   Republicans want a constitutional amendment to force a balanced budget, and Democrats orate about fiscal responsibility.

9.   Sen. Frank Lautenberg, D-N.J., said his amendment would force Congress to share the consequences for failing to meet budget targets.

10.   Without that measure, they said, the amendment would have forced Draconian spending cuts.

n. + force >>共 1720
injury 2.67%
weather 1.92%
government 1.89%
problem 1.57%
rain 1.53%
police 1.46%
pressure 1.36%
crisis 1.25%
competition 0.96%
law 0.93%
amendment 0.16%
amendment + v. >>共 322
be 19.54%
require 4.96%
allow 4.60%
pass 4.30%
make 3.15%
have 2.48%
fail 2.36%
give 2.12%
go 1.81%
need 1.15%
force 0.79%
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