1.   Apart from noting omissions in the documents provided, it may be that the buyer requires the draft contract to be amended.

2.   If there has been no irregularity, the law does not mend or amend contracts merely for the relief of those for whom things have not turned out well.

3.   Parcells amended his contract before the season to void the fifth and final season.

4.   The contract was not amended when Burke was hired.

5.   The contracts have been amended and funding has increased over time.

6.   The government, it said, can change benefits for future retirees but cannot unilaterally amend contracts it entered into decades ago.

7.   The owner amended the contract, and those amendments are the crux of the current dispute.

8.   Raytheon is responsible for any differences above the preset contract amounts unless the Pentagon agrees to amend the contracts.

9.   The company, based in Lexington, Mass., is responsible for any differences above the preset contract amounts unless the Pentagon agrees to amend the contracts.

v. + contract >>共 701
sign 19.54%
have 6.35%
win 4.37%
negotiate 3.82%
award 3.27%
renew 2.50%
cancel 2.40%
purchase 2.36%
extend 2.10%
terminate 2.00%
amend 0.10%
amend + n. >>共 172
constitution 16.68%
law 16.00%
bill 6.38%
legislation 5.20%
treaty 4.12%
charter 4.12%
rule 2.26%
plan 1.96%
charge 1.67%
agreement 1.47%
contract 0.88%
每页显示:    共 9