1.   Also, check with your alumni association for programs it may be planning where you can network and learn about job openings or mentoring opportunities.

2.   And alumni associations and private foundations have always raised money to supplement local public school budgets and to pay for scholarships for local graduates.

3.   Another semester is to begin in March and graduates of the first three classes have formed an alumni association that meets once a month at Police Headquarters.

4.   Banks typically produce affinity cards in partnership with a range of groups, from alumni associations to sports teams to government agencies.

5.   Delany said Notre Dame would not be considered again, and that was fine with Lennon of its alumni association.

6.   For nearly two decades, Chase has been actively supporting the alumni association, encouraging UT students to graduate and recruiting minorities.

7.   He already has deals to set up online services for the American Legion and the alumni associations of Purdue University and the College of William and Mary.

8.   He also talks of expanding to foreign universities, and of someday forming a WebDorm alumni association.

9.   He later served as president of its alumni association and was a member of its board of trustees.

10.   He played for Woody Hayes, coached under Earle Bruce and had been a dues-paying member of the alumni association since his graduation.

n. + association >>共 497
trade 13.55%
player 9.27%
industry 5.55%
business 2.86%
soccer 2.69%
neighborhood 2.33%
homeowner 2.24%
rifle 2.00%
football 1.67%
alumnus 1.59%
alumnus + n. >>共 99
association 15.06%
group 6.56%
network 5.41%
game 5.02%
club 4.63%
magazine 3.09%
donation 2.32%
reunion 2.32%
office 1.93%
board 1.93%
每页显示:    共 39