1.   Oil is needed to make plastics, for example, bauxite for aluminium cans, and wood for paper.

2.   The Parent Teacher Association is anxious to continue boosting its funds with the recycling project which includes used stamps and phone cards, aluminium foil and aluminium cans.

3.   POWYS Training, in conjunction with Ysgol Bro Ddyfi, is considering a recycling initiative for aluminium cans in the Machynlleth area.

4.   Many of them have a wider spread of activities than we do, making things like glass containers, aluminium cans or paper and board products.

5.   At some events, separate trash cans will be set out for aluminium cans, glass and paper.

6.   Freeman fears that large soft drink companies will be wary, because they have so much invested in aluminium cans.

7.   Recyclable garbage is carefully separated into old paper, PET plastic bottles, glassware, aluminium cans and tins.

8.   Broken glass littered the sand, with revellers having ignored pleas to take aluminium cans.

9.   Denmark is the only EU country to have banned the use of aluminium beverage cans, for environmental reasons.

10.   They cover aluminium cans, carpets, plastics, furniture and electrical appliances.

n. + can >>共 273
trash 28.72%
beer 12.39%
soda 4.67%
aluminum 4.18%
spray 3.70%
aerosol 3.14%
paint 2.17%
soup 2.01%
gas 1.69%
gasoline 1.53%
aluminium 0.97%
aluminium + n. >>共 96
price 14.48%
can 5.43%
foil 4.98%
smelter 4.52%
alloy 3.17%
producer 3.17%
market 2.71%
sulphate 2.26%
frame 2.26%
project 2.26%
每页显示:    共 12