1.   Clinical trials not only collect and analyze medical data, they also gather information on the costs of alternative treatments.

2.   However, capitalisation would be permitted as an allowed alternative treatment when specified criteria were satisfied.

3.   It is debatable whether these alternative medical treatments actually work.

4.   Alternative treatments can provide a useful back-up to conventional treatment.

5.   Accordingly, it is reasonable to continue the search for alternative treatments that provide equivalent or better results with lower morbidity.

6.   Further development is required if this technique is to be included in the alternative treatments for the management of gall stones.

a. + treatment >>共 634
medical 15.67%
special 4.36%
new 3.57%
preferential 3.57%
better 1.98%
effective 1.79%
equal 1.66%
same 1.50%
psychiatric 1.44%
emergency 1.32%
alternative 0.90%
alternative + n. >>共 861
medicine 3.93%
source 3.24%
tax 2.97%
energy 2.82%
route 2.78%
fuel 2.41%
plan 2.15%
way 2.11%
site 2.00%
treatment 1.95%
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