1.   Crop Revenue Coverage is the first privately developed alternative crop insurance to gain approval from the Agriculture Department, the company said.

2.   Growing alternative crops such as short rotation coppice as energy crops and fibre crops such as flax and hemp showed promise.

3.   And some have used their own resources and money from aid groups for agricultural research, seeking drought-resistant seeds and alternative crops.

4.   Because California lies in Carrasco National Park, one of two in the Chapare, the government cannot offer the local growers alternative crops.

5.   A lack of money has hurt the alternative crop strategy favored by the Colombian government.

6.   Corruption and poor management have plagued many alternative crop projects.

7.   Delahunt, meanwhile, has been meeting regularly with Democrats and Republicans to discuss amendments concerning human rights and more money for alternative crops.

8.   He also wants to establish alternative crop programs for peasant farmers who currently grow coca.

9.   In addition to the military spending, the program allocates money to promote alternative crops, economic renewal and human rights.

a. + crop >>共 751
new 7.19%
current 4.86%
modified 3.11%
engineered 2.34%
record 2.10%
alternative 1.67%
large 1.43%
good 1.38%
first 1.33%
smaller 1.27%
alternative + n. >>共 861
medicine 3.93%
source 3.24%
tax 2.97%
energy 2.82%
route 2.78%
fuel 2.41%
plan 2.15%
way 2.11%
site 2.00%
treatment 1.95%
crop 1.17%
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