1.   One alternate juror choked with grief and accepted the water and tissues from a concerned court clerk.

2.   Alternate jurors hear all testimony but join deliberations only if regular jurors cannot finish the case.

3.   An alternate juror said he watched only Three Stooges reruns before going to sleep.

4.   An alternate juror was hit by a car near the courthouse.

5.   An alternate juror, an African-American female who did not participate in the deliberations, disagreed.

6.   An alternate juror was named to replace Cotey.

7.   An alternate juror who was discharged before deliberations began said she was not ready to vote for conviction.

8.   An alternate juror, released from duty before deliberations began, said he would have voted for a capital murder verdict.

9.   As Clark walked toward the counsel table, the camera followed her, catching a side of a female alternate juror leaning forward.

10.   After a week of deliberations, an alternate juror replaced Cotey.

a. + juror >>共 232
potential 21.79%
prospective 13.11%
grand 9.58%
alternate 6.43%
the 3.79%
black 3.79%
dismissed 2.31%
white 2.06%
female 1.80%
fellow 1.48%
alternate + n. >>共 381
route 8.43%
juror 7.87%
day 4.25%
site 3.39%
captain 2.28%
plan 2.28%
shot 2.20%
way 2.05%
source 1.57%
arrangement 1.42%
每页显示:    共 99