1.   The problem has not been consumer reluctance to buy genetically altered produce.

2.   Critics of biotechnology maintain genetically altered produce can result in dangers that are difficult to predict.

3.   Despite assurances of its safety, critics say genetically altered produce can result in dangers that are difficult to predict.

4.   Even though genetically altered produce has been widely acclaimed as safe and is legal in most of the world, there is widespread concern among Swiss consumers.

a. + produce >>共 241
fresh 18.02%
agricultural 9.50%
organic 8.38%
local 5.73%
grown 1.82%
mexican 1.26%
imported 1.26%
dairy 1.12%
foreign 1.12%
domestic 1.12%
altered 0.56%
altered + n. >>共 227
food 10.77%
crop 5.38%
state 5.22%
corn 4.24%
gene 3.26%
version 3.10%
cell 2.45%
plant 2.45%
product 2.12%
form 1.96%
produce 0.65%
每页显示:    共 4