1.   He has also scheduled talks with Defense Minister Yitzhak Mordechai who, along with Levy, is a key supporter of peace talks with the Palestinians.

2.   Zlenko is also scheduled President Costis Stephanopoulos, Defense Minister Yannos Papantoniou, and senior Greek business leaders.

3.   A meeting with Norwegian businessmen is also scheduled, prior to a gala dinner hosted by the king and queen.

4.   She has also scheduled meetings with Thai Airways executives and the Franco-Thai business community.

d. + scheduled >>共 55
regularly 36.20%
previously 27.45%
originally 7.36%
as 3.99%
only 3.68%
next 2.15%
hastily 1.84%
already 1.53%
normally 1.38%
last 0.92%
also 0.61%
also + a. >>共 1203
available 3.27%
likely 2.89%
due 2.68%
present 2.63%
concerned 2.03%
important 2.02%
involved 2.01%
possible 1.66%
interested 1.11%
worried 1.00%
scheduled 0.02%
每页显示:    共 4