1.   Do they process their almond butter on the same line as the peanut butter?

2.   End with the almond butter cake with strawberries, a shortcake con brio.

3.   In another bowl, mash tofu and combine with almond butter, olive oil, brown sugar, maple syrup and vanilla extract.

4.   Most nuts are also fairly good sources of protein, which is why peanut butter and almond butter are often used as protein foods.

5.   Page Love, a registered Atlanta dietitian and nutritionist, says that almond butter is not lower in fat than peanut butter.

6.   The advantage of a nut butter such as almond butter?

7.   Usually, nut butters such as almond butter and cashew butter are available at health food stores.

8.   The beverages share space with the flowers in the chiller and the coffee offers diverse flavors of Irish, macadamia, or almond butter.

a. + butter >>共 198
melted 27.70%
remaining 10.09%
cream 5.44%
softened 3.46%
together 3.36%
clarified 3.36%
unsalted 3.17%
brown 1.68%
flavored 1.48%
cold 1.48%
almond 0.79%
almond + n. >>共 82
extract 13.67%
paste 8.20%
tree 7.42%
oil 6.25%
mixture 4.69%
cake 4.30%
grower 4.30%
butter 3.13%
eye 3.13%
flour 2.34%
每页显示:    共 8