1.   But the general has given no indication that he will allow the resumption of political activity.

2.   -- Allow the resumption of direct humanitarian charter flights from the U.S. to Cuba.

3.   -- Allow the resumption of direct bank transfers between Cuban-Americans and their families in Cuba.

4.   A successful redeployment of Israeli troops in Hebron can create the confidence and good will needed to allow the resumption of negotiations and progress in other areas.

5.   British officials said Friday that the government expected to have a licensing process in place within a few days to allow the resumption of meat sales.

6.   Bush would find it politically difficult to allow resumption of that business without strong new anti-proliferation measures from China.

7.   Clinton also used his address to pointedly warn President Saddam Hussein that Iraq would face punitive military action unless he immediately allows resumption of unfettered U.N. weapons inspections.

8.   Rose was also seeking assurances that anti-government forces surrounding Bihac will allow a resumption of supplies to peacekeepers there.

9.   The Federal Aviation Administration said it would allow a resumption of airline flights sometime Wednesday, but it was not sure exactly when.

10.   The investigation allowed quick resumption of polio immunizations and restored public confidence in them.

v. + resumption >>共 142
allow 8.57%
announce 7.87%
delay 3.93%
urge 3.79%
protest 3.37%
prevent 3.09%
welcome 2.67%
permit 2.53%
discuss 2.53%
await 2.25%
allow + n. >>共 1326
run 6.25%
hit 5.03%
access 2.72%
use 1.57%
time 1.36%
goal 1.18%
visit 0.96%
reporter 0.96%
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