1.   While Synaspismos supported ND in its view that there was serious overpricing and other irregularities in the contracts, it maintained that there was insufficient evidence to allow prosecution.

2.   Allowing state prosecutions of people charged in federal court, she said, would probably run afoul of the prohibition against double jeopardy in the U.S. Constitution.

3.   Christian conservatives and other opponents of vulgarity on the Internet pushed for language that would allow the prosecution of indecent as well as obscene materials.

4.   Current law allows federal prosecution of hate crimes under limited circumstances.

5.   Despite the rights violation, however, the appeals court said the error of allowing the prosecution was harmless.

6.   However, the bill would not allow prosecution of doctors for performing an abortion at the request of a pregnant woman.

7.   Only when violations produce a public outcry do officials sometimes step in to allow local prosecution.

8.   Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, D-Texas, introduced legislation Thursday that would allow federal prosecution of the possession of GHB and a similar drug called ketamine.

9.   Rosenthal noted Monday that Texas law allows prosecution for crimes of omission as well as commission.

10.   The bill would allow prosecution even when those who make the drugs change the formula slightly.

v. + prosecution >>共 286
face 19.88%
avoid 7.91%
escape 4.26%
allow 2.89%
accuse 2.41%
bring 1.86%
recommend 1.86%
seek 1.58%
hinder 1.51%
pursue 1.44%
allow + n. >>共 1326
run 6.25%
hit 5.03%
access 2.72%
use 1.57%
time 1.36%
goal 1.18%
visit 0.96%
reporter 0.96%
sale 0.85%
single 0.80%
prosecution 0.26%
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