1.   An alliance would allow Marriott to focus on its plans to expand the number of hotels it owns or operates worldwide, analysts said.

2.   And alliances can allow companies to scale up quickly.

3.   For example, in northern Afghanistan, the alliance has allowed elementary schools for girls and women have enrolled in their fledgling medical school in Feyzabad.

4.   Instead of absorbing a competitor, these alliances allow two airlines to operate as separate companies but without competition between them.

5.   Kansas City Southern said the strategic alliance would allow the railroad to expand into Mexico and give Transportacion Maritima access into this country.

6.   NATO Secretary-General Javier Solana, during a visit to the Albanian capital, Tirana, said the alliance would not allow attacks that pulled Albania into the conflict.

7.   Such alliances allow media companies to share the risks in an era of changing and competing technologies.

8.   Such alliances have allowed him to say he is fighting against conservative Republicans for regular New Yorkers, and not just for wealthy campaign contributors or big companies.

9.   The alliance allows English-speaking Latin Americans to obtain a diploma from an accredited U.S. high school for the first time without leaving the comfort of their homes.

10.   The alliance will allow developers to use either Jasmine or Rhapsody to develop applications for the Internet, he said.

n. + allow >>共 1353
law 7.39%
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agreement 1.94%
system 1.84%
authority 1.36%
program 1.31%
technology 1.29%
official 1.16%
alliance 0.18%
alliance + v. >>共 550
be 13.64%
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