1.   For example, one can fulfill the role of being a food server, and thereby help to alleviate hunger.

2.   Kino was a great humanitarian who sought to alleviate hunger wherever he went.

3.   Corporations are also giving more to nonprofit groups that promote causes, like alleviating hunger or saving the environment, in return for name recognition.

4.   Longer growing seasons, for instance, might alleviate world hunger.

5.   We discussed the issue of social responsibility, the connection between greater taxation and better education, the possibility of redistributing wealth to alleviate world hunger.

6.   What can the international community do to help alleviate hunger in the developing world?

7.   But U.N. officials said the area needs regular convoys to alleviate hunger.

8.   But U.N. officials reiterated that regular convoys were needed to alleviate hunger, and that requires cooperation from the Serbs surrounding Bihac.

9.   He said good weather and continued international food aid have alleviated hunger in North Korea.

10.   New aid convoys reached the northwestern Bihac region Thursday, but officials said they were far short of the regular deliveries needed to alleviate rampant hunger.

v. + hunger >>共 123
satisfy 6.61%
have 6.01%
fight 5.41%
alleviate 4.50%
end 4.20%
cause 3.90%
face 3.60%
report 3.00%
eradicate 2.10%
feed 2.10%
alleviate + n. >>共 162
problem 13.70%
poverty 10.24%
suffering 6.79%
pain 6.68%
concern 6.46%
pressure 4.45%
shortage 3.34%
symptom 3.34%
fear 2.45%
congestion 2.12%
hunger 1.67%
每页显示:    共 15