1.   The allele frequency of the small fragment was significantly higher in patients with gastric body ulcer than in controls and in patients with gastric angular or antral ulcer.

2.   In no group were there significant differences between men and women in respect of allele frequencies.

3.   The allele frequency of the small fragment in patients with gastric ulcer was analysed according to the location of the gastric ulcer.

4.   The allele frequency of the small fragment of the PGC RFLP in patients with gastric body ulcer was significantly hgiher than that in controls.

5.   The allele frequency of the small fragment of the PGC RFLP was significantly higher in patients with gastric body ulcer than in patients with gastric angular or antral ulcer.

6.   The table shows the allele frequencies for both the A and B loci in the healthy and MS populations.

n. + frequency >>共 104
flight 10.87%
stool 8.26%
television 3.91%
microwave 3.48%
carrier 3.48%
bowel 2.61%
allele 2.61%
vibration 2.17%
air 1.74%
citation 1.74%
allele + n. >>共 4
frequency 60.00%
pattern 20.00%
loss 10.00%
oligonucleotide 10.00%
每页显示:    共 6