1.   Both teams were similarly aligned, with two defensive midfielders and no specialist creator.

2.   Most bullies thrive divide and conquer, in which the aggressor quietly and carefully aligns a team of people against one person he or she has singled out.

3.   Most bullies thrive on divide and conquer, in which the aggressor quietly and carefully aligns a team of people against one person he or she has singled out.

4.   Seven teams were aligned with the Dolan group, including the Jets, Giants and Ravens.

v. + team >>共 885
lead 5.61%
join 3.46%
have 3.12%
make 2.83%
leave 2.10%
send 2.03%
coach 1.64%
help 1.56%
take 1.50%
keep 1.39%
align 0.02%
align + n. >>共 182
interest 6.91%
star 5.59%
policy 2.96%
party 2.30%
economy 1.64%
law 1.64%
planet 1.64%
station 1.64%
government 1.32%
body 1.32%
team 1.32%
每页显示:    共 4