1.   It is essential that all the pieces are aligned properly and all intersections are square.

2.   Make sure that both pieces are aligned properly.

3.   When the pieces were aligned within inches of one another, Cabana fired thruster rockets that raised the shuttle, allowing the modules to clamp together.

4.   When the two pieces were aligned within inches of one another, Cabana fired small thruster rockets that raised the shuttle, allowing the modules to clamp together.

v. + piece >>共 841
have 2.32%
find 2.23%
write 2.23%
add 1.78%
sell 1.78%
use 1.67%
take 1.53%
place 1.50%
buy 1.41%
cut 1.30%
align 0.11%
align + n. >>共 182
interest 6.91%
star 5.59%
policy 2.96%
party 2.30%
economy 1.64%
law 1.64%
planet 1.64%
station 1.64%
government 1.32%
body 1.32%
piece 1.32%
每页显示:    共 4