1.   There have also been unconfirmed reports of algae blooms coincident with the dolphin deaths.

2.   As a result, deadly algae blooms began to occur, choking off and killing great expanses of the sea grasses that produce and sustain so much organic life.

3.   As the grass decayed, in this view, it provided nutrients like nitrogen that sparked the algae blooms.

4.   At times the algae blooms poked their way under the bridges of the Keys and out to the coral reefs of the Atlantic.

5.   Algae blooms often kill other marine life by depleting oxygen in the water or producing toxic chemicals.

6.   Algae blooms last for years instead of days.

7.   But a long-term effect of the algae blooms has been a sharp decrease in the number of East Hampton baymen.

8.   For years, marine life in the western portion of the Sound has been plagued by low levels of dissolved oxygen, which can be caused by algae blooms.

9.   Green Lake has been closed in decades past when the algae blooms grew too thick.

10.   Hot summer days trigger algae blooms, upping the organic matter that can produce trihalomethanes.

n. + bloom >>共 97
alga 16.36%
summer 7.01%
spring 6.54%
desert 5.61%
wildflower 3.74%
flower 2.80%
fall 2.34%
plankton 2.34%
plant 1.87%
azalea 1.40%
alga + n. >>共 31
bloom 39.33%
growth 21.35%
species 5.62%
plant 2.25%
problem 2.25%
bed 1.12%
break 1.12%
buildup 1.12%
chemical 1.12%
combination 1.12%
每页显示:    共 35