1.   At Fox Island we stopped for a salmon bake, cooked in native style over alder wood, inside a lodge on an island with no electricity.

2.   At the Inn of the Anasazi, Peter Zimmer has tried alder wood, which the Indians also used, and apple wood.

3.   A mixture of powdered alder wood, beet sugar and wood resin is sealed within the bag, out of contact with the food.

4.   The look is casual but sophisticated in mellow alder wood.

n. + wood >>共 133
scrap 9.06%
pine 8.74%
fairway 6.47%
punky 3.56%
balsa 3.24%
north 2.59%
old-growth 1.62%
ground 1.62%
mesquite 1.62%
alder 1.29%
alder + n. >>共 8
wood 33.33%
frame 16.67%
branch 8.33%
brush 8.33%
cone 8.33%
plank 8.33%
thicket 8.33%
tree 8.33%
每页显示:    共 4