1.   Does alcohol advertising cause people to drink or to drink too much?

2.   And black and Hispanic leaders, Rangel among them, have complained for years that minority neighborhoods are special targets of tobacco and alcohol advertising.

3.   Are athletes and their fans being conditioned to drink by alcohol advertising?

4.   Hacker does not expect the networks to ever allow liquor advertising, saying they do not want to spur a full-scale review of all alcohol advertising.

5.   Given the target age group and the subject matter, no tobacco or alcohol advertising will be accepted.

6.   His organization is asking the Federal Communications Commission to have a hearing on all alcohol advertising, especially that aimed at children and young people.

7.   Instead, she asked for voluntary restrictions on college alcohol advertising.

8.   Instead, she asked the governing board of college athletics to adopt voluntary restrictions on college alcohol advertising.

9.   Meanwhile, two other committees heard testimony on alcohol advertising, park acquisitions and other matters concerning reauthorization of the department.

10.   Nor is tobacco or alcohol advertising allowed.

n. + advertising >>共 214
television 19.92%
tobacco 17.35%
cigarette 9.72%
campaign 3.05%
issue 2.97%
radio 2.73%
newspaper 2.49%
billboard 1.93%
alcohol 1.85%
year 1.20%
alcohol + n. >>共 233
abuse 16.77%
consumption 10.85%
use 5.12%
content 4.88%
problem 4.39%
sale 3.78%
intake 2.99%
test 2.50%
program 2.26%
limit 1.89%
advertising 1.40%
每页显示:    共 23