1.   A union trying to organize Delta flight attendants said the airline cut the deal with pilots after other workers signed up for less lucrative offers.

2.   Airlines have cut costs by eliminating unprofitable routes, capping commissions for travel agents, contracting with outside suppliers for some jobs and cutting others, Browning said.

3.   Airlines steadily cut and capped travel agent commissions before eliminating them this spring, prompting most agencies to add service fees to recoup the lost revenue.

4.   Airlines have cut the commissions of travel agents in half in a clear effort to eliminate their former business partners.

5.   Airlines cut domestic service but kept international flight schedules.

6.   All the major airlines cut deeply into nonstop service to leisure destinations from airports where they do not maintain hubs.

7.   By flying airplanes made by only one supplier, airlines cut the costs of pilot training and stocking extra spare parts.

8.   Covertly, the airline will cut the number of restrooms to one.

9.   Delta has connecting hubs in Dallas-Fort Worth and Salt Lake City but neither is ideal and the airline has cut flights at both in recent years.

10.   Dow Jones reported that the airline would cut costs by offering buyouts and early retirement to workers other than air crews.

n. + cut >>共 1513
company 6.05%
tax 4.70%
government 4.05%
rate 1.82%
bank 1.58%
analyst 1.13%
cost 0.90%
authority 0.86%
way 0.85%
team 0.83%
airline 0.58%
airline + v. >>共 877
say 10.79%
be 8.60%
have 5.79%
fly 1.91%
offer 1.77%
plan 1.43%
use 1.36%
try 1.32%
make 1.30%
operate 1.26%
cut 0.42%
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