1.   They will monitor concentrations of nitrogen oxides, sulphur dioxide, carbon monoxide and low-level ozone, as well as airborne fine dust and hydrocarbons such as benzene.

2.   Airborne dust and lead are identified as the most serious problems.

3.   Airborne dust is the cause of most explosions, he said.

4.   Face masks must be worn to combat the acrid stench and airborne dust particles throughout the area.

5.   In a forced-air system the filter traps airborne dust.

6.   Its microscopic bacterial agent, Coxiella burnetii, was also found to be spread with airborne dust and contaminated milk.

7.   Remember that sanding produces airborne dust.

8.   Some viruses, such as the deadly hantavirus, are thought to be transported by airborne dust that may contain rodent hair or germs.

9.   That means they let all kinds of airborne dust, pollen, bacteria, yeast and who knows what fall into the mix to get it going.

10.   The committee recommended that subsequent robotic missions include equipment to search the soil and airborne dust for harmful organisms or compounds.

a. + dust >>共 261
stone 5.71%
gathering 5.19%
radioactive 4.94%
fine 4.03%
white 3.90%
red 3.51%
lead 2.60%
blowing 2.21%
gray 2.08%
volcanic 1.95%
airborne 1.82%
airborne + n. >>共 301
particle 5.12%
radar 4.74%
troop 4.35%
attack 3.71%
unit 2.69%
force 2.56%
surveillance 2.05%
laser 2.05%
dust 1.79%
pollutant 1.79%
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