1.   United Nations officials said that nine aid agency warehouses have been looted.

2.   U.N. officials said that nine aid agency warehouses have been looted.

3.   A major police task was to secure an aid warehouse of the International Committee of the Red Cross in Vogosca that had been looted Friday.

4.   French Foreign Legionnaire troops moved in Friday to stop Bosnian Serbs from looting a U.N. aid warehouse.

5.   In the Serb-held suburb of Rajlovac, Serbs spent the day looting a U.N. aid warehouse.

6.   Some are believed to have taken refuge in aid warehouses and perhaps mosques.

7.   There were unconfirmed reports that the refugees looted aid warehouses in Benaco as they left.

8.   Peacekeepers in the capital are eating army rations and aid agency warehouses are empty.

n. + warehouse >>共 162
food 10.79%
datum 4.77%
government 4.77%
army 4.56%
custom 3.53%
brick 3.11%
tobacco 2.07%
factory 2.07%
distribution 2.07%
exchange 1.87%
aid 1.66%
aid + n. >>共 267
worker 26.77%
agency 12.30%
group 7.32%
package 5.19%
official 4.96%
organization 4.26%
convoy 3.97%
program 3.43%
flight 1.60%
effort 1.38%
warehouse 0.07%
每页显示:    共 8