1.   India said the attacks were aimed at punishing Pakistan for aiding Islamic militants on a raid of three power stations in Indian-held territory.

2.   It embraces the government through allegations that army-backed death squads strike at villages which aid Islamic militants.

3.   Pakistan says its support is diplomatic and moral, but that it does not directly aid the militants.

4.   Pakistan has denied aiding the militants, saying it is providing only moral and political support.

5.   Pakistan routinely denies actively aiding the militants, but supports their separatist movement.

6.   Bosnian Croat authorities said Wednesday they were releasing nine Iranians they detained on a bus in central Bosnia on suspicion of aiding Islamic militants.

7.   But recently, the government has accused the brotherhood of aiding Islamic militants fighting in the south.

8.   But while India accuses Pakistan of arming and aiding Islamic militants, Islamabad says it only gives them moral support.

9.   Egypt accused Sudan of aiding the militants who tried to assassinate Mubarak and giving them shelter.

10.   Egypt accused Sudan of aiding the militants who made the attempt.

v. + militant >>共 327
kill 13.99%
arrest 8.75%
train 3.43%
blame 3.36%
support 3.09%
arm 2.87%
fight 2.41%
suspect 2.04%
accuse 1.81%
disarm 1.81%
aid 1.43%
aid + n. >>共 621
rebel 7.98%
effort 3.05%
victim 2.54%
refugee 2.39%
militant 1.93%
terrorist 1.63%
worker 1.52%
development 1.32%
investigation 1.27%
group 1.22%
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