1.   Developed for carrying coal and agricultural produce a passenger service was rapidly initiated using wagons, open carriages and converted stage coaches.

2.   Gradually coffee came to replace maize as the main agricultural produce of the community and foodstuffs were bought with surplus cash.

3.   At the end of October the Department of Agriculture called for the elimination of all export subsidies on US agricultural produce within five years.

4.   These were the main items of agricultural produce, although there were many variations in the quantity of each grown, presumably resulting from local soil conditions.

5.   Consider for instance EC countries that export agricultural produce to other EC countries.

6.   Nonetheless there is a benefit to those countries which are net exporters of agricultural produce to other EC countries.

7.   The UK is in significant deficit on intra-EC trade in agriculture, and therefore suffers losses from this trade in agricultural produce.

8.   Specifically exempted are agricultural produce and game which have not gone through an industrial process.

9.   Exports to Russia, once a leading importer of Egyptian goods, particularly agricultural produce, have dwindled in recent years.

10.   Foreign exporters of processed agricultural produce to China are likely to be disappointed by the shallow cuts announced today by Beijing.

a. + produce >>共 241
fresh 18.02%
agricultural 9.50%
organic 8.38%
local 5.73%
grown 1.82%
mexican 1.26%
imported 1.26%
dairy 1.12%
foreign 1.12%
domestic 1.12%
agricultural + n. >>共 586
product 9.90%
land 4.29%
sector 4.10%
production 3.77%
subsidy 2.27%
export 2.10%
worker 1.75%
cooperative 1.73%
goods 1.69%
development 1.67%
produce 1.40%
每页显示:    共 68