1.   The agreement also states that Dole is not allowed to forgive the loan.

2.   The new agreement stated that no party should hold contacts with HB without prior consultations.

3.   Their agreement also stated that the landlord could at any time use the rooms or permit other persons to use the rooms together with the licensee.

4.   And they say that the agreement specifically states that its application is limited to joint training, United Nations peacekeeping operations and humanitarian relief activities in time of peace.

5.   Both settlement agreements state that the case was settled to avoid the cost of continued litigation and that UH admits no liability.

6.   A number of states and cities have enacted strict anti-tobacco marketing measures, and the agreement states that nothing in the settlement would pre-empt them.

7.   Lease agreements state that the oil companies must maintain them, and they hold the companies liable for any damages they cause to the property.

8.   The agreement also states that workers can appeal the decision to dock salaries to an independent arbitrator, picked jointly by the administration and the union.

9.   The agreement also stated that, should the women separate, both would retain parental status.

10.   The agreement clearly states that the government will handle emergency cases without enacting a new law, they argued.

n. + state >>共 487
report 8.98%
rule 4.90%
law 4.35%
official 3.81%
agreement 1.97%
government 1.90%
document 1.77%
letter 1.77%
resolution 1.50%
company 1.36%
agreement + v. >>共 391
be 27.98%
call 3.68%
come 3.41%
allow 3.17%
include 2.56%
provide 2.08%
have 2.07%
give 2.00%
require 1.97%
cover 1.82%
state 0.26%
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