1.   In cases where volenti is based on agreement, that agreement may amount to an exclusion clause.

2.   But the agreement amounted to little more than a consensus that the talks must restart.

3.   Even the agreement amounted to a breakthrough in that it has long been impossible to get the parties into the same room.

4.   Gonzales argued that the agreement did not amount to a flip-flop because it differs from what Calpine proposed in November.

5.   Leaders appeared aware that an agreement would amount to a critical display of European unity at a sensitive time, while failure would be ominous.

6.   The agreement amounted to witness tampering in any case, the defendants allege.

7.   The arbitrator, Kenneth Dam, ruled Monday that the undisclosed agreement amounted to a binding contract that broke the salary cap provisions.

8.   During a press conference, Richardson sought to overcome perceptions that the agreement amounts to a dictate from Washington.

9.   Richardson sought to overcome perceptions that the agreement amounts to a dictate from Washington.

10.   The Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association said the agreement amounted to unwarranted interference.

n. + amount >>共 512
action 2.31%
move 2.11%
statement 1.63%
change 1.63%
plan 1.44%
loss 1.34%
agreement 1.25%
decision 1.06%
law 1.06%
deal 1.06%
agreement + v. >>共 391
be 27.98%
call 3.68%
come 3.41%
allow 3.17%
include 2.56%
provide 2.08%
have 2.07%
give 2.00%
require 1.97%
cover 1.82%
amount 0.12%
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