1.   Your line manager will also discuss and agree realistic objectives with you.

2.   It is essential to specify clearly, at the time the objectives are agreed, which record will be used.

3.   The objective having been agreed, suggestions for actions to achieve it and the resources needed are discussed.

4.   The teams are performing as self managed units although the manager will agree clear objectives with the team.

5.   Every four to six weeks a training executive will visit to monitor their training and agree future objectives.

6.   In these reviews the performance of authorities and managers in attaining agreed objectives and targets is discussed, and new objectives are agreed for the following year.

7.   We agree the objective of addressing that problem.

v. + objective >>共 160
achieve 29.91%
meet 10.55%
have 6.41%
accomplish 4.54%
reach 3.34%
set 3.20%
pursue 2.94%
attain 2.00%
define 1.87%
share 1.47%
agree 1.20%
agree + n. >>共 333
ceasefire 3.57%
term 3.08%
date 2.95%
deal 2.71%
plan 2.34%
measure 1.72%
fee 1.60%
truce 1.35%
proposal 1.23%
price 1.23%
objective 1.11%
每页显示:    共 9