1.   Another woman, a former television anchor, writes in agonizing detail how her job placed her in conflict with her faith.

2.   Even now, nearly a decade later, Cliff Meidl can recount every painful one of them in agonizing detail.

3.   His audio book goes into agonizing detail on who he thinks are the best players, position by position, offense and defense.

4.   Of course, the film extends this storm sequence in agonizing detail.

a. + detail >>共 488
further 35.62%
no 6.21%
financial 3.42%
final 2.80%
immediate 2.71%
additional 2.37%
new 2.00%
full 1.69%
any 1.61%
specific 1.54%
agonizing 0.03%
agonizing + n. >>共 156
decision 7.35%
pain 4.47%
process 2.88%
dilemma 2.88%
death 2.88%
choice 2.88%
one 2.88%
wait 2.56%
hour 2.56%
week 2.56%
detail 1.28%
每页显示:    共 4