1.   Also, many railroads are financially sounder than they were, enabling them to replace aging fleets.

2.   And two weeks ago, officials said the company would sell off much its aging fleet of marine tankers.

3.   -- The carrier is thought to be making an effort to upgrade its aging fleet.

4.   Department staff members responded in the audit that they had raised the issue of an aging fleet with City Council, which funds their department.

5.   For national carrier Saudia, the order is part of a program to modernize its aging fleet and prepare the state-owned company for its planned privatization.

6.   For Saudia, the order is part of a program to modernize its aging fleet and prepare the state-owned company for its planned sale to the public.

7.   In recent years, the area has become the site of mishaps involving the aging fleet.

8.   Industry experts say nearly every country in the region is in need of updating aging fleets of fighters and helicopters.

9.   Maintaining its aging older fleet was costlier and more time consuming than TWA had anticipated and led to canceled flights and poor on-time performance.

10.   Orders are expected to increase later this year as airlines of the world replace their aging fleets.

a. + fleet >>共 268
fishing 6.43%
aging 4.90%
entire 4.79%
small 3.27%
large 2.83%
new 2.83%
pacific 2.61%
submarine 2.61%
naval 2.51%
spanish 1.96%
aging + n. >>共 726
population 7.60%
process 5.75%
parent 3.11%
equipment 2.32%
fleet 2.09%
veteran 2.04%
aircraft 1.76%
team 1.72%
star 1.53%
building 1.44%
每页显示:    共 45