1.   But he noted that federal agencies are working to improve their ability to predict space weather storms.

2.   The agencies are working together to co-ordinate policy on food safety.

3.   The agency works hard to increase public confidence so that people are not afraid to report racist incidents.

4.   EPA director Carol Browner said the three agencies were now working together in an unprecedented way to co-ordinate policy on food safety and pesticide use.

5.   An FAA spokesman, Les Dorr, said that the agency was working on a bulletin to make that point to pilots.

6.   Blakely said the agency is working closely with the FBI.

7.   Bock, who helped inspire the highway safety agency to begin working on its training course, said worries about moving a victim are secondary.

8.   Addressing published reports about tensions between the FBI and the Centers for Disease Control at the Wednesday night meeting, Ridge said the agencies have been working very closely.

9.   Agencies also must work with state preservation offices to come up with a plan for the buildings.

10.   Aid officials were also not yet certain where supplies might be stored in northern Afghanistan, and how they would be transferred to relief agencies already working there.

n. + work >>共 1142
system 2.89%
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man 1.09%
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agency 0.62%
agency + v. >>共 790
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