1.   Since the cold war ended, many state intelligence agencies have struggled to justify their existence.

2.   Both officials said their agencies were struggling to keep up with an unprecedented number of merger applications.

3.   Advertising agencies are struggling to adapt, forming partnerships and new divisions to explore interactive advertising.

4.   But the agency has struggled to come up with a methodology for determining fair rates, changing its method three times in recent months.

5.   City agencies are struggling with devastating budget cuts, and council members are beginning to plot strategies to distribute the pain.

6.   Government agencies have struggled with how to regulate commerce on the Internet.

7.   He said the agency was struggling with many of the same aspects of the Internet that are vexing to other Web surfers, including privacy and security.

8.   More broadly, intelligence agencies are struggling to monitor terrorists more closely.

9.   Ms. Glaves-Morgan rejected that notion, although she conceded that the agency would struggle to meet any increased demands.

10.   Still, many government agencies are independently struggling with ways to provide information and assistance for free, officials said.

n. + struggle >>共 909
company 5.33%
team 5.08%
government 3.11%
people 1.78%
country 1.74%
official 1.58%
offense 1.58%
worker 1.46%
family 1.44%
stock 1.34%
agency 0.86%
agency + v. >>共 790
say 19.39%
be 6.25%
have 4.73%
report 1.79%
take 1.26%
give 1.21%
quote 1.09%
try 1.06%
plan 1.00%
make 0.96%
struggle 0.19%
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