1.   They were working frantically in the fear that an aftershock would jolt the house again.

2.   A strong aftershock jolted a remote area of western China Wednesday morning, three weeks after the region was hit by two deadly earthquakes.

3.   Aftershocks jolted the quake zone early Wednesday, raising fears that the buildings still standing could topple.

4.   Aftershocks repeatedly jolted the area, increasing the possibility of more injuries.

5.   Aftershocks jolted the quake zone early Wednesday, raising fears that more buildings could topple.

6.   Aftershocks jolted the area, including a sharp one felt in Rome some nine hours after the quake.

7.   Another aftershock jolted the region Tuesday evening, reinforcing fears of going back inside poorly constructed houses, U.N. spokesman Manoel de Alemida e Silva said.

8.   Dispirited survivors ran aimlessly and wailed hysterically after a strong pre-dawn aftershock Tuesday jolted the remote Indonesian region that was devastated by an earthquake last week.

9.   Smaller aftershocks have jolted the area since, making rescue work more perilous.

10.   Two strong aftershocks have jolted remote areas of Tibet a day after a severe earthquake struck the region, Chinese government seismologists said Monday.

n. + jolt >>共 123
earthquake 36.51%
quake 6.98%
aftershock 3.17%
explosion 3.17%
news 1.59%
series 1.27%
tremor 1.27%
crash 0.95%
car 0.95%
crisis 0.95%
aftershock + v. >>共 64
continue 21.99%
be 14.18%
follow 8.87%
hit 5.67%
shake 4.96%
cause 4.26%
rattle 4.26%
jolt 3.55%
rock 3.55%
make 1.77%
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