1.   Black artists have a duty to preserve and promote the thoughts and values of their ancestors, including their African ancestors.

2.   He looks like his African ancestors and speaks the mother tongue of Latinos.

3.   Many African-Americans reflect on a time when their African ancestors were bought and sold into slavery.

4.   Many black Americans looked to Islam to restore a lost cultural connection with their African ancestors.

5.   The practice was imported by Haitian slaves who fused Catholic symbols with rituals developed by their African ancestors to communicate with the dead.

6.   They invoked the spirits of their African ancestors and poured libations.

a. + ancestor >>共 186
common 13.57%
human 10.18%
direct 4.79%
ancient 2.99%
distant 2.40%
earliest 2.40%
early 2.20%
wild 1.80%
remote 1.60%
dead 1.40%
african 1.20%
african + n. >>共 1089
country 17.78%
nation 11.89%
leader 7.13%
state 2.70%
tour 1.81%
force 1.65%
continent 1.27%
government 1.23%
woman 0.99%
head 0.95%
ancestor 0.06%
每页显示:    共 6