1.   But as the study just cited indicates, environmental influences can powerfully affect the way genetic predispositions are expressed in human behavior.

2.   Change has also affected the way we organise and set up exhibitions.

3.   How did the dominant social, economic and cultural forces affect the way they lived their lives?

4.   Not only do sleeping pills impair the function of sleep, they also affect the way you feel the next day.

5.   She never lets her personal likes and dislikes affect the way she treats people.

6.   Such considerations affect the way the courts Decide on what sentence to pass on the accused.

7.   The images that pervade your mind affect the way you feel as well as the way your body behaves physiologically.

8.   They can be real and strong, affecting the way we lead our lives.

9.   This responsiveness to body language also affects the way horses react to humans.

10.   We live in this world together and how we live together affects the way we live alone.

v. + way >>共 454
find 16.63%
make 8.67%
give 6.26%
have 5.46%
pave 5.22%
change 3.45%
clear 3.43%
lead 2.96%
discuss 2.79%
open 1.89%
affect 0.29%
affect + n. >>共 1018
people 2.31%
price 1.59%
outcome 1.53%
market 1.42%
life 1.35%
business 1.30%
area 1.20%
performance 1.19%
sale 1.02%
ability 1.01%
way 0.90%
每页显示:    共 104