1.   Boeing said that it welcomed the findings and would correct the problems, but said the findings showed that safety was not affected.

2.   A backup pilot notification system was put in place, and air traffic safety was not affected, he added.

3.   Both pilots said safety was not affected by the outages.

4.   Energy Secretary Bill Richardson described it as a backup system and said it did not affect plant safety.

5.   Employees who had departed said the changes had not affected safety and the public would probably not notice, although it often meant postponing preventive maintenance.

6.   Energy Secretary Bill Richardson described the system as a backup system and said it did not affect plant safety.

7.   He said the inquiry found that the problem was minor and did not affect engine safety.

8.   It monitors trends of minor events and publishes these findings in the conviction that problems resulting in no injuries and no damage can indicate management flaws affecting safety.

9.   Lack of knowledge can drastically affect your safety.

10.   Leffler said he believed the Police Department could reduce the total number of officers without affecting public safety by forcing officers now working behind desks out into the street.

v. + safety >>共 366
improve 10.63%
guarantee 10.34%
ensure 10.24%
seek 4.32%
reach 2.46%
threaten 2.43%
jeopardize 2.02%
play 1.95%
endanger 1.76%
assure 1.73%
affect 1.15%
affect + n. >>共 1018
people 2.31%
price 1.59%
outcome 1.53%
market 1.42%
life 1.35%
business 1.30%
area 1.20%
performance 1.19%
sale 1.02%
ability 1.01%
safety 0.31%
每页显示:    共 36